Learn & Prepare

The CyberTexas Foundation continuously seeks for new CyberPatriot information to keep you up to date.  

Intro to Mentoring

Coaches & Mentors Rule Book

Welcome to the CyberPatriot 17 competition season and thank you for taking the time to review the CyberPatriot 17 Rules Book.

All registered CyberPatriot participants, including coaches, technical mentors, team assistants, and competitors, are bound by the rules and procedures published in this document. 

Coaches Tools

Cyber Patriot Mentors Program Overview

The National Youth Cyber Defense Competition is a national tournament where middle and high school students vie through divisional virtual competitions to identify vulnerabilities and secure computers in a virtual operating system.

New Coach Guide

CyberPatriot Coach Recruitment and Orientation Program Registration Guide.

New Mentor Guide

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Training Materials

Training Material Overview

Note: all teams are required to have 64-bit, host computers and operating systems to compete successfully in cyberpatriot x. 

Each competition round has two challenges for which teams will need to train

Network Security Challenge (Images)

The main goal of every round of competition is to improve the security of one or more virtual machine images. In the past, teams have been tasked with: 

In the past, CyberPatriot has used these images during the online rounds: 

Teams do not need to have any of these specific operating systems installed directly on their computers. Rather, these images are played using VMware Player software. More information on the technical requirements for using this free software can be found on the Technical Specifications page. 

Training for the competition, in addition to the training materials, is provided in three UNSCORED rounds: 

For help playing a virtual machine image and starting a round, please view this instructional video: https://youtu.be/4UveDN7xn9I 

Training Material Resources


Intro to Networks and Cisco
Intro to System Hardening – Windows
Video Series
Cisco Video Series
Windows Video Series

How can I prepare?

Training materials are available through the volunteer dashboard and through Cisco Networking Academy on the AFA CyberPatriot website.  Instructions for competition round preparation are emailed directly to coaches prior to each round.