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FBI Claws Back Millions of DarkSide’s Ransom Profits

The tables have been turned, the FBI & DOJ said after announcing the use of blockchain technology to track down the contents of DarkSide’s cryptocurrency wallet.

Bad Apple: App Store Rife with Fraud, Fleeceware

Malicious apps make up 2 percent of top grossing apps in Apple App Store.

Novel ‘Victory’ Backdoor Spotted in Chinese APT Campaign

Researchers said the malware has been under development for at least three years.

Windows Container Malware Targets Kubernetes Clusters

“Siloscape”, the first malware to target Windows containers, breaks out of Kubernetes clusters to plant backdoors and raid nodes for credentials.

Cyberattack Suspected in Cox TV and Radio Outages

Cox Media Group tv, radio station streams affected by a reported ransomware attack.

Supreme Court Limits Scope of Controversial Hacking Law

Judges rule that Georgia police officer did not violate CFAA when he accessed law-enforcement data in exchange for bribe money, a ruling that takes heat off ethical hackers.

REvil Ransomware Gang Spill Details on US Attacks

The REvil ransomware gang is interviewed on the Telegram channel called Russian OSINT.

‘Battle for the Galaxy’ Mobile Game Leaks 6M Gamer Profiles

Unprotected server exposes AMT Games user data containing user emails and purchase information.